Back Now

There's an elephant in the room. No it's not the Republicans or the pistachio elephant. I have returned to Facebook. To those who have noticed this I applaud your alertness. For those considering a rebuke and feeding me my own words, I must disclose that I have often eaten my own words and they are delicious.

It would be disingenuous of me to disavow anything I have written about Facebook, to the contrary, I stand by every word I have written about that platform. A blog is a snapshot of thoughts in the moment and I only make adjustments when I get a fact wrong or a situation has evolved to unveil new facts. I never alter the original post, I acknowledge the mistake and set the record straight.

There are no mistakes to correct on what I've written about Facebook. However, the break I took gave me an opportunity to reflect and conclude that my expectations of Facebook were too high. It can provide a sliver of engagement and pleasure if approached with a narrow lens and a dismissal of the nonsense.

So yes, I'm back, for now.


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