
Showing posts from June, 2016

Shy Or Just Not There

In light of the response to my recent request, the data or lack of, would seem to indicate that either my readers are shy or virtually non-existent. Some might ask why continue? Still others might ask why bother to have begun? That second one is probably the better question. But continue I shall. Partly because I've never been good at going when I should and partly because before I begin the long night of my journey, whenever that may be, I intend to leave behind as large a steaming pile on the cyber sidewalk as possible. I wax poetic, truthfully I'll just keep writing in this blog until I'm thoroughly bored with it. Between 2007 and 2009 I wrote another blog, it ended after about 500 posts. It served it's principal purpose, which was to amuse me and offer up commentary on the 2008 Presidential Election. Ultimately, for a variety of reasons I stopped posting and then I did something which I regret, I deleted the blog. I archived most of it but no one can accidentally...

Keep Calm and Carry On

The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in a campaign known as Brexit. Problem is, this might lead to a disunited kingdom. Scotland voted 2 to 1 to remain in the E.U. This may be the moment that finally leads to full independence for the Scots. Northern Ireland also voted to remain and it's leadership immediately began voicing concern and suggesting unification with the Republic of Ireland. That suggestion brought a swift no from both the Republic and Downing Street but you never know. Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned and intends to be gone by October. Cameron had promised to hold the referendum to quiet the fringe of his own party and other conservative forces such as the Ukip Party and it's leader Nigel Farage. Cameron is no doubt regretting that promise. Many Brits awoke the next morning to the reality of what they had done. British T.V. has been interviewing many people who voted to leave and now regret their vote. They didn't actually think it w...

A Message From Kane

If you are a regular or occasional reader of this blog I am asking you to take a moment of your time, it's not like I'm asking for money though you know you should send me some, and leave a comment for this specific post. I don't care what you write, it can be 1234 but do it. This will provide me a better understanding of how many eyeballs are viewing. Thank you for your compliance. Failure to respond will result in a serious toungue lashing, which some of you would probably enjoy.

Four Bills, No Sale

Last week Democratic Senator Chris Murphy brought the Senate to a halt with a filibuster on new gun legislation in the wake of the Orlando massacre of 49 people. It ended successfully with Republicans agreeing to bring some bills to the floor for a vote. Yesterday two Republican and two Democratic bills were voted on. They all failed. None of the bills were particularly radical so why no action? Mind you nothing they would have passed would have survived in the House but still it begs the question why? A super majority of Americans support some form of gun reform including better background checks, closing various loopholes and even banning some categories of military grade weapons. The majority of the National Rifle Association's five million members also support serious common sense reforms. The N.R.A. executive leadership does not because they are in reality a critical mouthpiece for gun manufacters. Those forces don't want anything to interfere with their business, so the...

Tossing Off

The man who said he doesn't toss people aside has tossed aside his campaign manager. Donald Trump fired Corey Lewandowski yesterday. Lewandowski has been by Trump's side since he entered the Presidential race and has on many occasions been embroiled in controversy, including roughing up a female journalist. Trump refused to get rid of his right hand man, no matter what other people said. For months it has been rumored that Trump's children have not been pleased with Lewandowski's influence on their father and it appears their influence was what brought on this firing. According to certain reports Lewandowski had been trying to undermine Ivanka Trump's husband and one thing is clear, don't mess with Ivanka. Politicians firing campaign managers is pretty routine and not very interesting. In this case it is particularly meaningless. Lewandowski himself had made it clear that he had not been in charge of the campaign since April 7th. Trump liked Lewandowski beca...

Undocumented Fish Invading America

The Mexican Blindcat, a rare cave dwelling blind white catfish native to Mexico has been found in Texas. Apparently alleged sightings of this fish go back to the 1960's but now we have the proof, they're here. Two specimens are now in the hands of the authorities and will be placed in a suitable dwelling for future study and public view. This discovery is a step closer to proving what experts have long believed, that Mexico and the United States are linked by underground caverns. No statement has been released yet by Donald Trump on whether he intends to build an underground wall or demand the deportation of the blind catfish.

Suddenly Embraced

I live in a rural area which means I'm surrounded by steaming piles of beetle fodder and this allows a heightened sense of smell and man is there a wretched odor permeating the comments of many politicians who have suddenly found a new love for the LGBT community. These commenters I speak of spend their political lives dedicated to denying gay people equal rights under the law. They spent years fighting same-sex marriage until finally the clock ran out and a Supreme Court decision legalized it for the whole country. This victory has led to the retaliation of the biggots, haters, religious zealots and their political allies to go after the LGBT community through alternate means disguised as such things as religious freedom restoration acts designed to permit the expansion of LGBT discrimination. At no time has religious freedom in this country been threatened by the simple act of extending equal rights under the law to every citizen. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the U.S. Co...

Lyin' Donald Trump

Lyin' Donald Trump is at it again. Lyin' Donald Trump, it's so true, he's such a liar folks, no really, many people are saying it and there not small lies, he lies biggly. Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to take away all of our guns, every last one of them, right down to the derringer strapped to your Aunt Minnie's inner thigh. It's not true, no way, no how. It's a scare tactic aimed at whipping up a furor among our less in depth reflective citizens. Should we strengthen our gun laws nationally? Absolutely as long as they meet the common sense test. I know, we're not big on common sense but we should give it the old college try. Assault rifles were once banned and the freedom of the nation did not fall. That ban expired in 2004 and sales have been booming ever since, especially the AR-15 which is now America's favorite assault rifle. Strictly for target practice and hunting of course. You can't be too careful when hunting these days because th...

Double Down Donald

Double Down Donald has resurrected his call for banning all Muslims from entering the United States. He is using the events in Orlando as his excuse. Omar Marteen was an American born and bred, he didn't immigrate here from some horrible country with a sleeper cell chip in his brain. In fact we have now learned that he had sympathetic leanings toward three different terrorist organizations including swearing allegiance to the leader of ISIS just before he executed his plan. Marteen was a moran because two of those terrorist gangs are hated by ISIS and he would have been executed by them if he were within their grasp. We are also learning that his current wife knew he was planning something and had even driven him to Pulse, the nightclub he attacked. She says she tried to talk him out of it but did not contact the police. There are reports that Marteen had been seen at Pulse at least a dozen times and that he had a profile on a gay dating site. He would sit alone drinking at Pulse...

The Douche Strikes Again

Il Douche Donald is pulling the press credentials of The Washington Post so they can't officially attend his crappie rallies and news conferences. Throughout his campaign Trump has repeatedly had numerous members of the press ejected from his events and threatened to pull the credentials of many, including major news outlets. His ego is so big he actually believes that this somehow means that they cannot continue to cover his rudderless disorganized march to the general election. Apparently Trump, the imminent Constitutional scholar, failed to read the part about freedom of the press. His actions are no surprise given his admiration for totalitarian dictators and their embrace of free and open societies. His embargo on The Washington Post probably won't last long given that his addiction to attention and the media is so overwhelming he could not endure the withdrawal pain. The action should however be disturbing even to his supporters who share Il Douche's bashing of th...

A Clear Choice

The horrendous mass shooting in Orlando, Florida at a gay night club has left the United States with the largest event of this type in our history. It has also in the most tragic circumstances provided us with a clear choice in our upcoming general election. Hillary Clinton cancelled her already scheduled day of campaigning and instead delivered a heartfelt reflection on the weekends tragedy and presented a plan moving forward. At no time did she mention Donald Trump. She struck a chord of unity and in every regard rose to the level of being Presidential. Contrast that with the speech of Donald Trump who continues to blatantly demonstrate he is nothing more than a demagogic sack of shit. I will not, as the press feels compelled to say, that those supporting him are somehow not responsible and are simply afraid, baloney. Trump has no plan for anything. His entire push is about shock and fomenting hatred. Instead of calling for unity he basically blamed President Obama and Hillary Clin...