
Showing posts from February, 2015

Live Long and Prosper...

As I publish today's missives I have just heard the news of the death of Leonard Nimoy. The 83 year old actor, director and photographer had been ill for a little while and had officially retired, this does not suppress the shock of losing one of the worlds most well known faces. Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek has permeated every corner of our human society. Even those who have never watched any of the episodes can and do quote the notable phrases and everyone knows about a certain Vulcan named Spock. Although Nimoy took a lot of heat for his mid seventies book "I Am Not Spock", in which he tries to illustrate the fact that he was an actor simply playing a part and was more than that. Many felt it was a dig at the series. It wasn't and over thirty years later he would publish a memoir entitled "I Am Spock", displaying a calm and a complete circle of understanding that it was a positive thing after all. Nimoy would go on to resurrect Spock, literally, ...

Thank You David Suchet

Yes Hastings, it’s true. I’m sitting here looking at a group of DVDs, they are staring back with an unforgettable face, David Suchet’s inimitable Hercule Poirot. If you are a fan then you already know that Suchet has taken his final bow as the little Belgian after 25 years with Poirots final and life ending case “Curtain.” Where have the years gone? I scratch my head and have no answer. The little grey cells they are not working, perhaps there are too many grey hairs warming them. In the early eighties Granada Television launched a little series called “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” starring Jeremy Brett as the legendary detective. It became an international hit and fans proclaimed Brett’s portrayal, rightfully so, the definitive Holmes, casting a giant shadow over all the other actors to have taken on the role. It was so successful that they kept doing them periodically with both Brett and the producers vowing to film the entire canon of stories. Unfortunately Brett’s u...

Chronic Embellisher

I thought that I would be publishing this past it’s relevancy date but that has turned out not to be the case. Some might suggest it is a lazy blogger indeed who does not instantly comment on something they’ve just heard. Be the first on your block to get it wrong and contribute to that now infamous misinformation of the internet. In my own case it’s not so much laziness as apathy and a lack of instantaneous web connection. I also have acquired the dubious habit of seeking facts. This makes me completely unsuitable for internet publication. So, Brian Williams is a chronic embellisher and we should care why? Be honest, we all have a Brian Williams in our life. We cringe and bite our tongue as that friend or relative tell a story that’s supposed to be true yet seems to change and become more exciting as the years go by. We remain silent, glancing side to side and thinking that ain’t what really happened. We rarely if ever call them on their bullshit. Mr. Williams has been calle...

I'm Back (Why?)

So I've returned to the scene(s) of my many crimes, writing a blog. Yeah I've done it before and now I'm doing it again, but why? Of what real importance are these 200 million plus blog thingies floating in cyberspace? Isn't it just waste waiting to be flushed and a gathering of internet janitors hoping the clog won't be too bad? Who are we bloggers to believe that anyone other than our grandmothers would be proud of our musings. Mine are dead so I'm screwed,come to think of it I don't think they much liked me anyway. Thus far the biggest attraction here, based upon individual views, is my review of a play. At least the theater is alive and well or at least it's cast members. Maybe that's the direction I should go, reviewer. After all I once wanted to be an actor and I'm pretending to be a writer at this very moment, it's all about the craft my darlings. I wrote about politics in one of my previous blogs and nearly had to go in to witness ...