
Showing posts from May, 2015

Koch Cash

It was revealed today that the Koch brothers are behind the publishing of the book "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer. The author had already begun admissions of no facts prior to the book being released. He has now gone even further with his acknowledgement to Politico that the book shows no proof of anything. It has been vetted by independent sources and found to contain untruths. As I said in a previous post the publishing world has a designation for this kind of book, it's called a novel.

Fiorina, Carson and Huckabee

No they're not personal injury attorneys, just the next three entries to the Republican race for the White House. Carly Fiorina is best known as the former C.E.O. of Hewlett-Packard where she terminated 30,000 employees. She herself was also canned by H.P. She worked on John McCain's Presidential campaign in 2008 until she said publicly that neither McCain or Palin were qualified to run a company. She said this twice at which point McCain's people invited her to get lost, which she did. She ran for the U.S. Senate against Barbara Boxer of California in 2010, she lost by double digits. Now she's running for President because according to her she understands technology and that can help Americans. She also blames California's drought problem on environmentalists. Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon with a compelling personal story of success. He is a darling of the far right, he is also batshit crazy and I'm being kind. He says he's not a politician and doe...

Bernie Enters the Ring

You may have missed it because the 24/7 media was focused on Baltimore all week but on May 1 Independent U.S. Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, declared he is a candidate for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination. If you're counting, that's two on the Dem side. Sanders is a self identified social democrat in the style of numerous European countries. He's got guts to admit that in this country. He also has a long history of fighting for the poor and middle class. He speaks plainly and cuts right to the point. If you think he doesn't have a chance in hell, consider his own words, "don't underestimate me." Then consider this, within 24 hours of announcing his candidacy he raised 1.5 million in small donations from across the country. He also received 175,000 pledges to volunteer to work on his campaign. He will challenge Hillary Clinton to address in detail a wide range of issues she might not otherwise want to go deep into. Sanders is to...