
Showing posts from November, 2014

Did You Vote?

The General Election was yesterday, did you vote? Here are the top reasons I've heard throughout my life on why someone didn't vote. 1. There's no one decent running. (This is totally ridiculous, there is always a candidate that best reflects your views.) 2. My vote doesn't matter. (If everyone who uses this excuse showed up to vote they could completely shake up the process. In a close race your vote becomes even more crucial.) 3. I just don't have time. (Bullshit. If you live in a state that has early voting you certainly can't use this excuse. In the 12 hours the polls are open you can find a few minutes. If all else fails you vote absentee.) 4. I don't know where to vote. (If you haven't been told a hundred times by the candidates where to go, then check your registration card. If you have misplaced the card call your county election board and they will happily direct you.) 5. I don't want to be called for jury duty. (The majority of m...